Living with Books - Alan Powers

Caroline found this book while we were browsing in a big book shop somewhere in central London. Well, I think she found it while staving off boredom as I was delving deep into the maths section or something. Anyway, she was entranced, and we had to get it.

Apparently the need for this book comes from the fact that we have too many books, and not enough space, so we needed to buy another coffee table book all about impractical ways of storing huge libraries-worth of books in multi-million-pound loft conversions! While I don't think the book's immediately directly useful to us, it's really quite a lot of fun. Apart from instilling a feeling of house- and library-envy, it also does give us ideas for what we can do with all our books. Unfortunately it looks like we might need to get a new place to live before this really comes into its own!

Posted 2009-01-02.